We achieved our goal!

Dear Backers,
Thanks to your generosity we were able to achieve our goal: to raise €20.000,- for project inspiration!
Initially project inspiration intended to provide ventilators to Dutch patients when our IC system would become overloaded with COVID-19 cases. Luckily this did not happen! As we saw the domestic demand decline, we looked for other countries that might be interested in our ventilator design.
Several countries responded very positively and currently teams in multiple countries are working to produce and implement our ventilator locally. Your donations enabled us to design a working ventilator that can be produced with limited resources and standard workshop equipment. This is a potential game changer for poor countries with limited resources, and can hopefully save lives.
In order to provide the ventilator to as much people as possible we have partnered with a production company in the Netherlands that will produce a batch of our ventilators. These machines will then be shipped abroad to countries with interest, so the machine can be certified locally.
Although the situation in the Netherlands has improved, it has become clear that this is definitely not the case in all areas of the world. We get daily messages from people in other areas describing how dire the situation is with collapsing health systems and declining economies. Hopefully our ventilator will be able to make a positive contribution in those area’s in the near future.
The current efforts of the team are to conduct further tests of the ventilator to ensure safe operation, and to raise awareness of the project in as much countries as possible.
Thank you so much for being a part of our crowdfunding campaign, we could not have done it without you!
Project Inspiration Team.