Thank you for your support

23-04-2018 | 09:51

Dear supporters,

We are very happy with all the warm messages and mental support. Thanks to your financial donations of € 3.880,- we will be able to accomodate 2 Indian MSc students to visit our lab (3 months) and financially support the flight ticket of 2 more TU-students to visit India and support our project. We will try to plan this in such a way that they can team up and have an overlap in their research.

Despite the major achievements, a lot of work still needs to be done. Our facility is aimed to pilot technology that requires further upscaling to make a real impact on Indian Sanitation and Watermanagement. To disseminate our approach throughout India and eventually globally we need to train many more engineers to supervise construction and operation. 

The rewards, as token of appreciation for your contribution, will be coming in your direction. With regard to the promised student experiences stories I would however request a little patience, as we would like to get the story of the student that you are supporting to you. As soon as more information on the students and their research schedule are known, we will contact you.

Soon our website will also come online, and there you will be able to follow the progress of our project more precisely.

Ralph Lindeboom

April 22nd 2018